Womb vs Work: The Stark Choice Today - Have a Child or Have a Career

Apr 19, 2024
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Womb vs Work: The Stark Choice Today - Have a Child or Have a Career

Even today, many women still find themselves facing a stark dilemma: sacrifice their careers for motherhood or delay starting a family to safeguard their careers. Why? Because this is the choice forced on women by systemic challenges within the workplace that penalize women for taking time off for maternity leave, leading to detrimental consequences for both their careers and their dreams of motherhood.

For many women, the decision to postpone parenthood stems from the harsh realities of the workplace. Overwhelming amongst those concerns is the simple proof that maternity leave affects job security and career advancement. As a result women delay starting a family until they feel more financially secure and established in their careers. 

Despite legal protections in many countries, discrimination against women who take maternity leave remains prevalent in the workplace. Many women report being demoted, downgraded, or even fired upon returning to work after maternity leave, effectively penalising them for exercising their right to start a family.

Once they become mothers, the unfortunate reality is that women are frequently then penalised again for trying to manage their families alongside their careers.

These discriminatory practices not only undermine womens’ professional advancement but also perpetuate a vicious cycle that often discourages women from pursuing motherhood altogether. The fear of facing repercussions at work leads many women to postpone starting a family indefinitely, ultimately resulting in a growing number of women struggling to conceive later in life.

The financial burden of fertility treatments, such as IVF, add more complexity to the equation. As women age, our chances of conceiving naturally diminish, necessitating costly medical interventions to achieve pregnancy. The exorbitant costs of IVF often place these treatments out of reach for many couples, exacerbating the challenges faced by women who wish to become mothers later in life.

As a society, facing increasing numbers of low birth rates, we need to confront these systemic barriers and work towards creating a more supportive and inclusive ecosystem and infrastructure for women in the workplace. Employers can foster a culture that values and accommodates this by creating visible, effective policies that protect women from discrimination and retaliation for taking maternity leave, as well as providing support and resources to help them balance their professional and personal responsibilities. Including childcare options and family-friendly workplace initiatives which help alleviate the burden placed on working parents.

Ultimately, breaking the cycle of workplace discrimination is not only a matter of fairness but also essential for fostering diversity, innovation, and sustainable growth. Let’s make it easy for women to pursue both their careers and their dreams of family.

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