Two types of employees that will revolutionise your start-up (but be careful of the three-year surge)

Feb 14, 2025

Why Most Startups Fail – And How Yours Can Succeed 

10% of start-ups fail in the first year, on average, and 70% fail in years 2-5 (ExplodingTopics). But yours doesn’t have to. 

Here are two overlooked employee demographics could be your secret weapon… if and ONLY if you can navigate a critical workplace trend. 


1. Crisis-Minded Gen Z: The Future of the Workforce

Flexible, innovative, resilient. 

27% of the global workforce by 2025 (FreshMinds), Gen Z employees are redefining the workplace already. They’re digitally fluent, having grown up immersed in tech that was constantly reinventing itself, so they’re perfect for fast-moving workplaces. 

Most of them entered the workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic, which means their perspective on work is bound up in crisis management 

  • How to deal when situations inevitably change 
  • How to succeed when your team is scattered across different timezones 
  • How to adapt a project to an uncertain budget or an urgent deadline 

These are qualities start-ups NEED to survive their critical early years. 


2. Network-Minded Women: A Missed Opportunity for Startups 

Bold and adaptable innovators. 

Despite strides in recent years, women remain significantly underrepresented in leadership roles within startups, particularly in the tech sector. This is a massive missed opportunity. 

What do they bring to the workplace? 

  • An unbelievably high innovation rate of 83.7% (PMCID) 
  • 35% higher ROI on investment compared to those led by men (Flat6Labs). 
  • 20% greater profits - companies with gender-diverse executive teams outperform competitors by 20% (WomenInTech) 
  • Women-led startups generate 78 cents per dollar of funding, while male-founded startups generate only 31 cents (MassChallenge, BCG) 
  • Despite receiving less funding on average, women-led startups also achieved 10% more cumulative revenue over a five-year period ($730,000 compared to $662,000) (MassChallenge, BCG) 

So what’s the three-year surge, and why do you need to be aware of it? 



3. The Three-Year Surge: Alarming Statistics on Workplace Discrimination 

In 2022, workplace discrimination rates against young women were at 42%. 

By the end of 2024, they were as high as 61%

Yes, it’s essential to harness Gen Z and female demographics, but start-ups need to be ACUTELY aware of this surge of discrimination rates over the past three years (CIPD, December 2024). 

  • 54% of women experienced competence-based microaggressions in 2024, up from 35% in 2023 
  • 33% of HR decision makers agree sexist behaviour exists in the workplace
  • 10% of HR decision-makers are AWARE of gender pay gaps for same-level jobs
  • 23% of young women report being paid less than male colleagues for similar work
  • 28% of young women given fewer career progression opportunities compared to men

(People Management, McKinsey) 



Key Points: How Startups Can Thrive with Gen Z and Women Employees

  • Gen Z employees and women are ESSENTIAL for surviving the first risky 5 years as a business 
  • You can retain these employees with anti-discriminatory, flexible workplaces 
  • Take action to avoid becoming part of the three-year surge 
  • WCorp strategies can help you reshape your working culture and boost your profits at any stage in your organisation’s development 


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