Womb vs Work: Refining Workplace Dynamics for Women's Empowerment

Apr 16, 2024
WCorp blog post: the text reads Womb vs Work, Redefining Workplace Dynamics for Women's Empowerment, Join the Movement, wcorporation.org, Geeta Sidhu-Robb. There's a WCorp logo, and 2 statistics: "percentage of mothers that return to work full-time: 24%", and "percentage of mothers that want to: 98%". There's also an image of Geeta Sidhu-Robb.

Amidst all the discussions of gender equality and empowerment in the professional world, have you noticed that something never seems to fully arise?

The balance of work and motherhood.

This intricate dance of "womb vs work", as I call it, is emblematic of the challenges women face in navigating their careers and family lives.

One facet of this dilemma is the decision many women grapple with: whether or not to have children at all. Unsurprisingly, a significant number of talented women opt out of motherhood altogether. 



For many, it's just unfeasible to reconcile our career aspirations with the responsibilities of childcare. The modern workplace simply fails to provide adequate support and infrastructure for women to thrive.

Or, put simply, how can you raise a family from the office?

However, it's critical you recognise that supporting women in the workplace isn't just a moral imperative… It's also a smart business decision.

Statistics consistently show that companies with more women in leadership positions are consistently more profitable. According to research by McKinsey & Company, gender-diverse companies are 21% more likely to experience above-average profitability. There’s real, tangible benefits to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.



Moreover, studies reveal that women consistently enhance innovation and problem-solving within organizations; we bring unique perspectives to the table. A report by Catalyst found that teams with more gender diversity demonstrate superior financial performance, innovation, and employee satisfaction.

To harness the full potential of women in the workforce, organisations must prioritize initiatives aimed at retaining and advancing female talent. This includes implementing family-friendly policies such as

  • flexible work arrangements

  • generous parental leave

  • and on-site childcare facilities

And it means supporting better infrastructure to facilitate women’s participation in the workplace. I don’t just mean women-directed CPD initiatives, but also investing in public transportation, and affordable childcare and eldercare services. Alleviating the burden placed on working mothers enables them to remain actively engaged in their careers.



So let’s not overlook the womb vs work dilemma. By removing barriers to entry and providing support for working mothers, companies can create an environment where women feel valued, empowered, and motivated to excel in their careers.

We can

  • advocate for gender equality in the workplace

  • unlock untapped potential

  • drive innovation

  • and drive sustainable growth.

I strongly encourage you to join the conversation, and share your insights and experiences on this critical issue.

Together, let's pave the way for a future where women no longer have to choose between their careers and their families, but rather can pursue both with confidence and success.

Use the #wombvswork on social media to get involved in the conversation. 



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